Archive for March 2010

Web Foundation, Tim, Steve Featured on CNN Segment

CNN producer Jason Sanchez interviewed Tim Berners-Lee and me for a segment on their show called “Conscious Capitalism”.  Have a look…

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Video: Tim Berners-Lee on Separation, Standardization, Openness, Neutrality Across the Net

Tim Berners-Lee gave a talk (see video above) in the Brussels, Belgium on 16 March to people from the European Union, industry and press.  He conveyed the motivation for the creation of the Web, for open Web standards, and for the creation of the Web Science Trust and the World Wide Web Foundation.

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Web Science Conference 2010: Don't Miss It

Register now:

for WebSci2010!  This exciting conference is during the  WWW2010 week in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.  The organizers seek papers that demonstrate the development, scope, and relevance of the emerging field of Web Science, which is taking off around the globe.  Web Science Conference 2010 is the 2nd such event, following a successful inaugural event in Athens, Greece last year.

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New Institute for Web Science to Explore Next Generation of the Web

United Kingdom Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced sweeping plans to make the UK the world leader in the digital economy by 2020, the BBC reports.   An key component of the Prime Minister’s plan is a commitment of 30 million GBP to create a new Institute of Web Science.  The Institute will be headed by Nigel Shadbolt and Tim Berners-Lee, who also serve as Directors of the Web Foundation.  The Institute will carry out pioneering research, in collaboration with universities and the private sector, to develop the next generation of Web technologies.

An official press release from the UK’s News Distribution Service regarding creation of the Institute of Web Science is now available.

More details on the Institute of Web Science, and how the Web Foundation will be cooperating with this new partner will be forthcoming.  Congratulation to all involved!

Vodafone Donates $1 Million in Support of Web Foundation Initiatives

Grant to Fund Training of Entrepreneurs in Africa.

The World Wide Web Foundation (Web Foundation), a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the Web to empower people, announced today that the world’s leading mobile telecommunications company Vodafone Group, will donate $1 million toward projects that will train entrepreneurs in Africa to leverage the Web as a platform for delivering locally relevant content, applications and services. Some of the funding will also go to research on what needs to be done to make the Web more accessible and valuable to people in developing economies.

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Tim Berners-Lee at TED2010: Visualizations of Linked Data for Haiti Earthquake, Afghanistan Elections and More

A year ago, Tim Berners-Lee had the audience at TED chanting “raw data now”. At TED2010, Tim gave an update, with cool animations, on how governments and other institutions have been accelerating the process of making their raw data available, and what clever people are doing with those data through linking, mashing, visualizing and understanding phenomena in new ways.

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"Web" and "People": Top Words in Our Blogs in Q1 of 2010

… words such as “mobile”, “services”, “information”, “farmers” and “development” have also been frequently used. OK, no major surprises here, but the “word cloud” visualization is kind of cool. This cloud was compiled from our blog posts so far this year, using the Wordle service, which scales the size of words by their frequency of use.  Thanks to Vera Newhouse from Edelman for recommending it. Click on the word cloud for a higher-resolution image.