Archive for March 2011

One Web

The Web is young. We do not fully comprehend how this complex and expanding Web of “humanity connected by technology” really works. But what we do know, is that the Web works best when the underlying technologies are globally agreed, free and open.

The Web Foundation, working with the Web Science Trust and the World Wide Web Consortium, is working toward One Web for all people.  We work to advance our understanding of the Web, explore next-generation technologies, and develop open standards to make the Web an increasingly powerful tool for all people, around the world.

Destructive Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan: Web Resources Aid Rescue and Recovery Efforts

{ United States Geological Survey.}

People and communities in Japan have been devastated by what will likely be classified as one of the 5 largest earthquakes in recorded human history. The impact of the resulting tsunami may prove even more devastating.  The Sendai earthquake (preliminary magnitude 8.9) struck off the east coast of Honshu, Japan on the boundary between the Pacific and North America plates at 2:46 p.m. local time today, and waves of water generated by that event continued to sweep across the Pacific ocean and coastal towns (see video below) in the subsequent hours.

As is increasingly the case, Web resources are being put into action to find loved ones, map damage, chart emergency facilities, spread news and rally humanitarian aid.  Directories of Web services are being compiled by CNET, Network for Good, MSNBC, The Chronicle of Philanthropy and others.  The Ushahidi platform and OpenStreetMap have once again been placed into action to allow citizens to report and track resources, missing persons, and dangerous situations.  Google launched its Person Finder within 2.5 hours of the main shock.

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