Tim Berners-Lee Visiting Ghana

Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the Web and founder of the Web Foundation, is traveling to Ghana this weekend to make new connections, and to explore opportunities for Foundation programs in the region. My WF colleague Daniel Dardailler will accompany him. Tim is looking forward to absorbing the experience and observing first hand how his invention is being used there. He will also work to understand the barriers that currently block people from using and becoming empowered by the Web.

Tim and Daniel will travel to Abiriw one day to lead a discussion with students on their experiences, challenges and hopes regarding the Web. Another visit will be to the Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence, to hear presentations from students and professors about how they think the Web can advance to better realize short and long term educational, community-focused and economic goals. I will be interested to hear how use of the Web on mobile phones is growing there (and if not, why not).

Tim and Daniel are excited for this trip and cannot wait to blog about it. Though we all travel a lot, take each trip as an opportunity to explore the situation and needs, to get inspired, and to meet the influencers who can help Web Foundation achieve our mission. Craig Heintzman’s, blog from earlier this year was an excellent case in point.

As always, we want your feedback on how the Web can support learning and development initiatives throughout the world. If you have any questions about Tim’s trip, please comment here, or email me.

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